Student Assessment Mechanism
Students after admission are assessed by intra-institutional evaluation methods of the institution, which can be outlined by taking into account the six major test apparatus presented below.
UNIT TESTS: These tests are held every fortnight unless they are substituted by sectionals. The main aim of these tests is to keep the students rigorously in touch with the progress of the course.
SESSIONAL TESTS: Utmost care is taken to hold atleast two sessional tests out of the six taught months of the academic session. The scope of these tests is wider than the unit tests. They generally cover the course details of the entire period.
TERMINAL EXAMINATIONS: These examinations function as a rehearsal of the Finals ahead.
STUDENT SEMINARS: There is a seminar session on every Saturday of a week. These seminars are basically centred on course-related areas that both the students and the teachers think worthwhile for more elaborate discussion. Free thinking, originality of thought and beauty of presentation are the three guiding principles of these seminars.
ESSAY COMPETITIONS: There are two-three essay competitions organized both at the intra-college level and at the inter-college level.
HOME ASSIGNMENTS: Students are asked to do various writing assignments. Each and every teacher is keen to get the students in line with the progress of the syllabus and assignments are given to them to practice those areas that need to be reinforced.
The advanced learners and slow learners of a subject are identified by the concerned faculty, based on their performance in IA, and semester-end examination. They are also identified based on their active participation, involvement, performance in the class room/practical hall dynamics. Accordingly, subject wise, paper wise, practical wise strategies are adopted.
Specific strategies for the Advanced Learners:
Provision of additional learning – reference material – E-Books, Review Articles, Reports, and Internet surfing.
Assignment preparation on current and latest topics based on reference books, and Internet surfing.
Student Seminars on selected reference topics.
Participation in Quiz, Debate and Problem Solving – Decision Making Exercises.
Student Project Work based on theoretical data/practical work/survey data/ case studies.
Projecting them as “Team Leaders and Facilitators of Teams”, comprising fast, medium and slow learners.
* Strategies for slow learners:
Tutorials, discussions, interactions and remedial coaching.
Personal, academic and social counselling.
Concept clarification and problem solving exercises.
Bilingual explanations and discussions.
Provision of simple but standard lecture notes/course material.
Revision of topics and practicals (not as punishment but as amelioration method).
Making them part of student teams wherein there is a admixture/blend of fast, medium and slow learners. Here, as a “team dynamics – cooperative efforts”, the slow learner experience adoptability, develop self esteem, self respect and confidence.
Steps to enhance their communication skills, art of reading – learning.
Trial tests and mock examinations.
Monitoring their progress at every IA and semester-end examinations.