Research Council is responsible for monitoring all the research activities in the College. The Research Council is the apex body that administers the research programmes of the College. The Research Council has to take all strategic decisions, corrective actions, preparing, updating policies as per the UGC norms.
The Research Council consists of the following members:
a) Principal – Chairperson.
b) The Controller of Examinations – Member.
c) The Member Secretary, Academic Council – Member.
d) The Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell – Member.
e) Three Associate Professors/Assistant Professor (with Ph.D. degree)-Members representing each Discipline to be nominated by the principal.
f) Three (03) Professors/Associate Professors as invited Members representing each discipline as Nominated by the Principal.
g) Chairpersons of DRCs.
h) Members Secretary.
Term of Research Council:
The term of all the members of the Research Council shall be for three years from the date of appointment. The Chairperson has the authority to appoint the council's invited members.
Functions of the Research Council:
The Research Council will be primarily responsible for the following responsibilities:
a) It is responsible for receiving, scrutinising, and approving the Departmental Board of Study's recommendations on research programmes.
b) The Research Council shall advise, observe, and make recommendations on the operation of the Departmental Board of Study on research matters.
c) It shall review the Policy Matters/Regulations pertaining to Ph.D. and M.Sc. research.
d) It will look into ways to promote innovative research by students and faculty members, as well as develop policy initiatives to support it.
e) It will develop policy initiatives to promote more Industry-Academia research.
f) It will look into increasing Action Research by students and faculty members.
g) It will consider applications for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) awards recommended by the Academic Coordinator.
h) The Chairperson shall examine the Reports of the Examiners of the Ph.D. Theses on behalf of the Research Council and advise the Controller of Examinations on the necessary action under report to the Research Council.
i) It shall receive annual Academic Report(s) from the Principal Investigator(s) of ongoing Research Project(s) in various departments, regardless of funding sources, via the Academic Coordinator.
Current Members of Research Council:
a) Dr.Biman Ch. Chetia, Chairman.
b) Dr.ChuchengfaGogoi, Member Secratery.
c) Dr.BhabajitBhuyan, Academic Officer Incharge, Member.
d) Dr.Chandra Manche, Controller of Examination, Member.
e) Dr.Raghab Parajuli, IQAC Coordinator, Member.
f) Prof. Mridul Bordoloi, Invited Member, Dibrugarh University.
g) Prof. RajibHandique, Invited Member, Gauhati University.
h) Dr.Pankaj Dutta, Invited Member, Dibrugarh University.
i) Dr.BudhadebBasumatary, Member.
j) Dr.Binda Sah, Member.
k) Dr.BinodChetia, Member.
l) Dr.DigantaHatibaruah; Chairman, DRC, Political Science, Member.
m) Dr.Arabinda Rajkhowa, Chairman, DRC, Assamese, Member.