Seminars, workshops Organized/Quality Initiatives Undertaken by IQAC or Departments
in Collaboration with IQAC since 2017
Serial No |
Year |
Title of the Seminar/Workshop |
Date of the Event |
Number of Participants |
1 |
2017 |
National Seminar on Biodiversity of NE India: Conservation and Management |
3rd to 4th February |
159 |
2 |
2017 |
National Seminar on Performance of MGNREGA: with special reference to Assam |
7th to 8th February |
142 |
3 |
2017 |
National Seminar on Impact of mythology on Modern Assamese Literature |
10th to 11th February |
180 |
4 |
2017 |
National Seminar on E-Resource Management in Libraries |
18th and 19th February |
119 |
5 |
2017 |
National Seminar on Mass Media and Modern Indian Culture |
24th to 25th February |
123 |
6 |
2017 |
Legal issues relating to Copyright Violation by District Legal Services Authority |
12th September |
70 |
7 |
2017 |
Athletics Coaching camp |
20th August to 30th October |
30 |
8 |
2017 |
One day workshop on legal issues relating to Copyright Violation by District Legal Services Authority |
9th December |
35 |
9 |
2018 |
General Awareness Workshop on Cyber Security in Collaboration with the Dept. of Computer Science and Garcia Technology Private Limited, Guwahati |
7th April |
73 |
10 |
2018 |
National Seminar cum Workshop on ‘Sericulture: A Means of Rural Economy and Some Ideas for its Development |
5th and 6th May |
50 |
11 |
2018 |
Popular talk on legal rights and celebration of international women’s day |
3rd August |
65 |
12 |
2018 |
Hands on training on Plant Biotechnology & Bioinformatics |
17th &18th August |
26 |
13 |
2018 |
Two-day national Seminar on “Locating North East in India’s Neighbourhood Policy: Problems & Prospects”. It was sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi and in collaboration with the Centre for East Asian Studies, Gauhati University. |
29th and 30th September |
70 |
14 |
2018 |
One day workshop on Question Paper Setting and moderation as well as Answer Script Evaluation. Resource person: Dr. Utpal Sharma, Professor, Tezpur Central University. |
5th November |
55 |
15 |
2019 |
Four-day workshop for students on “INNOVATION & CAREER” |
14th to 17th February |
25 |
16 |
2019 |
Short term programme on “Innovation and Rejuvenation of Teaching In Higher Education” organized in collaboration with the teaching learning centre, tezpur university and sponsored by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya national mission on teachers and teaching, MHRD, Govt. Of India. |
18th to 23rd February |
40 |
17 |
2019 |
One day workshop on “ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT SKILLS” for the office staff as well as Library staff organised by North Lakhimpur College administration in collaboration with the IQAC |
2nd March |
12 |
18 |
2019 |
One day awareness programme on the skill development for students in collaboration with NESC (North East skill Centre) |
20th March |
55 |
19 |
2019 |
Popular talk on “Design Your Mind” organised in collaboration with International Mind Education Institute, Guwahati Branch |
23rd March |
45 |
20 |
2019 |
Seven-day workshop on “Innovation and Career” for students |
30th March to 6th April |
25 |
21 |
2019 |
Popular talk on “Application of Remote Sensing in Geography” organised in collaboration with North east India Geographical Society (NEIGS) |
9th April |
65 |
22 |
2019 |
Two-day National workshop cum Training on ‘Genome Editing CRISPR’ in collaboration with Makeintern and Shaastra (IIT Madras Event). |
26th and 27th June |
50 |
23 |
2019 |
Popular Talk on "Climate change and its impact on Biodiversity" organised by Department of Zoology and supported by ASTEC, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of Assam. Dr. P.C. Bhattachatya, Trustee and Vice Chairperson, Wildlife Trust of India addressed the occasion as resource person |
19th September |
350 |
24 |
2019 |
La Lenscape, Annual Photography exhibition cum competition, 5th edition organised by the Department of Mass Communication |
20th September |
25 |
25 |
2019 |
Celebrated Innovation Day to commemorate the birth day of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam under the patronage of the Innovation cell, North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous) |
15th October |
65 |
26 |
2019 |
Symposium on post independent Assamese Science Literature and Travelogue organised by the Department of Assamese in collaboration with Sahitya Academy |
11th November |
300 |
27 |
2019 |
One day Workshop cum popular talk on 'Magazine editing for providing professional expertise in the subject especially for the literature students. |
3rd December |
140 |
28 |
2020 |
Popular talk on Challenges in Higher education and opportunities for students of Life Sciences of North East Organised by the Department of Zoology, NL College. |
3rd January |
60 |
29 |
2020 |
End Semester Examination related online meeting for discussing examination related issues amid Covid Crisis. |
9th January |
68 |
30 |
2020 |
National Seminar on Bishnu Prasad Rabha and Indian Culture Organised by the Department of Assamese, NL College, and Dept of Bengali, St. Paul Cathedral Mission College, Kolkata |
17th to18th February |
70 |
31 |
2020 |
Webinar on Global Health Security and covid 19 Epidemic: Issues in Perspective, Organised by the Research Council, North Lakhimpur College |
8th May |
70 |
32 |
2020 |
Webinar on Awareness Programme on online E- resources, Organised by the Research Council in association with Assam College Librarians' Association (ICT cell) |
18th May |
55 |
33 |
2020 |
Online discussion series-1 organised by Department of Assamese, NL College, Topic: Modern Assamese Song Literature, Speaker: Loknath Goswami |
20th June |
150 |
34 |
2020 |
FDP on LaTeX + Xfig Organised by the Department of Computer Science in association with Spoken tutorial, IIT Bombay |
20th June to 24th June |
100 |
35 |
2020 |
Online discussion series-2 organised by Department of Assamese, NL College, Topic: Mental Health and our consciousness, Resource person: Aradhana Boruah, Counselling Psychologist |
25th June |
150 |
36 |
2020 |
NL College in collaboration with Assam Start up- the Nest presents faculty development programme on "Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Launching of Incubation centre |
3rd July |
45 |
37 |
2020 |
Webinar on Gendered role of workforce in pandemic times Organised by Women' Studies Centre, North Lakhimpur College (Auto), Speakers: Dr Shivani Chauhan Baruah, Assistant Prof, School of Social work, TISS, Guwahati Campus |
24th July |
100 |
38 |
2020 |
National Webinar on Fish Diversity of NE India: Its opportunity and Challenges, Organised by the Department of Zoology, NL College |
20th July |
150 |
39 |
2020 |
National webinar online organised by the Department of Assamese, NL College in collaboration with Department of Bangla Saint Paul Cathedral Mission College, Kolkata |
30th July |
150 |
40 |
2020 |
Special webinar on the occasion of Independence Day celebration Organised by the Social Science Research Centre in collaboration with the women studies centre, North Lakhimpur College |
15th August |
150 |
41 |
2020 |
Online national webinar on Broadcast Journalism and Present-Day Society Organised by The Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College and Department of Assamese, Panigaon OPD College. |
16th August |
150 |
42 |
2020 |
National Webinar on “Fundamentals of Research in Chemical Sciences” Organised by the Department of Chemistry, North Lakhimpur College (auto). |
16th August |
150 |
43 |
2020 |
Two days webinar on Basics of IPR and Patent Organised by IPR cell and Research Council, NL college |
28th October |
100 |
44 |
2021 |
Invited Talk on innovation and Entrepreneurship organised by the Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College. Resource person: Dr. Uddhav Bharali, Scientist |
11th February |
125 |
45 |
2021 |
Department of Philosophy, North Lakhimpur College organised a popular talk on "A glimpse of India's Idea of Education". Resource person: Diganta Biswa Sarma |
11th February |
190 |
46 |
2021 |
Popular talk on Talk of Book Conservation organised by the Department of Assamese. Resource person: Chandraprabha Gogoi, Social worker and head mistress of Town model LP School |
11th May |
70 |
47 |
2021 |
Magazine and literary section of North Lakhimpur College organised one day workshop on "Kobita Nirman and Golpa Likhon". Resource person: Dr. Mridul Sarma, Atanu Bhattacharya, Dr. Arabinda Rajkhowa |
11th June |
106 |
48 |
2021 |
National Webinar on National Education Policy-2020: Future Road Map for Higher Education in India organised by the Department of Education in collaboration with the IQAC, North Lakhimpur College (autonomous), Resource Person: Dr. Dulumoni Goswami, Professor, Department of Education, Gauhati University |
16th June |
250 |
49 |
2021 |
National Webinar on Homen Borgohain's creations and philosophy organised by the Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College. Resource persons: Dr. Subrat Jyoti Neog and Basudev Das |
6th July |
100 |
50 |
2021 |
Webinar on Career Counselling for Opportunities in Travel and Tourism Industry organised by Indian Institute of Travel and Tourism Management (IITTM), Shillong Campus in collaboration with North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous) |
23rd July |
20 |
51 |
2021 |
Awareness programme on Tobacco free educational institutions organised by district Tobacco Control Cell in association with NSS Unit of North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous). Speaker: Dr. Jagadish Goswami, District Nodal Officer, District Tobacco Control Cell |
25th July |
55 |
52 |
2021 |
Popular talk on "Assam Budget 2021-22" organised by the Department of Economics, NL College on 25/07/2021. Resource person: Dr. Palash Handique. Number of student participants=180 |
25th July |
180 |
53 |
2021 |
Webinar on Perfection Progress and Youth organised by the Department of Philosophy, Stress Management Committee in collaboration with the IQAC, North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous). Speaker: Diganta B. Sarma |
16th August |
95 |
54 |
2021 |
Webinar on Entrepreneurship, Startups and Careers in IT for Tech and Non- Tech organised jointly the Departments of Computer Science and Chemistry in collaboration with IQAC, North Lakhimpur College, Speaker: Mr. Kalyanjit Hatibaruah, Chairman/MD, Flugelsoft Group |
24th August |
90 |
55 |
2021 |
Teachers’ day observed as popular talk on the philosophy of Dr. Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan in the Department of Philosophy. Resource person: Dr. Moonlima Phukan |
5th September |
65 |
56 |
2021 |
One day Teacher Orientation workshop on Question Paper Setting and Evaluation organised by the Department of Education in collaboration with IQAC. Resource person: Prof. Mukut Hazarika, Mrs. Mannashee Gogoi |
2nd October |
100 |
57 |
2021 |
Webinar on "Intellectual property rights" organised by Research Council and IPR cell, North Lakhimpur College in collaboration with the ICT academy |
9th October |
100 |
58 |
2021 |
Technology Orientation Programme of Muga and Eri Culture organised by Research extension centre, Central silk board in association with Department of Zoology, North Lakhimpur College (autonomous), Resource person; Dr. Diganta Mech, Scientist D, Central Silk Board |
30th October |
25 |
59 |
2021 |
National Education Day Observed by the Department of Education with a day long programme. |
11th November |
150 |
60 |
2021 |
One Day Seminar on ‘Life and Works of Padmanath Gohainboruah’ organised by the Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College. Resource person: Dr. Bhupen Saikia, Ex Principal, Birinchi Kumar Boruah College, Puranigodam, Nagaon |
13th November |
300 |
61 |
2021 |
World Philosophy Day observed on the Department of Philosophy, North Lakhimpur College. Resource person: Dr. Tulika Borah |
18th November |
105 |
62 |
2021 |
IQAC North Lakhimpur College organised three days’ workshop cum certificate course on "Digital teaching techniques" in Collaboration with ICT Academy and Atos Syntel |
25th to 27th November |
31 |
63 |
2021 |
Department of political science organised special lecture series on "Water Wars? A Comparative Analysis of India-China's Brahmaputra Dispute and Nicaragua Costa Rica's San Juan River Dispute", Speaker: Sanchita Borah |
29th November |
145 |
64 |
2021 |
Department of Assamese organised Bishwanarayan Shastri Memorial Talk. Resource person: Dr. Jayanta Kumar Borah, Professor, Dibrugarh University |
3rd December |
120 |
65 |
2021 |
Awareness program on ICT initiatives of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India on the occasion of Librarian’s Day. Organised by Dr. Biswanarayan Shastri Granthagar in association with IQAC North Lakhimpur College (autonomous). Resource person: Dr. Birendra Pal, Librarian, Kaliabor College. |
8th December |
100 |
66 |
2021 |
One day lecture cum Awareness programme on soft skills and personality development organised by Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College. Resource person: Prof Pranjal Bezboruah, Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Dibrugarh University |
28th December |
200 |
67 |
2021 |
Physics Department organised first lecture of its lecture series. Dr. Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay, Associate professor, IIT, Hyderabad delivered his lecture on "From the Cosmos to the Atoms and More" and Manoranjan Dutta, Research Scholar, IIT, Hyderabad delivered his lecture on "Dark matter just from Newton's Law" |
30th December |
70 |
68 |
2022 |
Invited Talk on ‘Life and works of Yeshe Dorje Thongshi’ was organised by the Department of Assamese. Dr. Ratnottama Das, Bikram, Associate Professor, Dept. of MIL, University of Delhi participated as the resource person. |
4th January 2022 |
102 |
69 |
2022 |
Invited Talk on ‘Role of Youth on Bio-Diversity Conservation’ was organised by the Department of Assamese in collaboration with ' Nature's Backon' as per the MoU signed. Mr. Soumyadeep Dutta Director, Natures Beckon, Dhubri participated as the resource person. |
10th January |
280 |
70 |
2022 |
On the eve of International Women’s Day, the Women's study center, North Lakhimpur College Organised an interaction programme with the entrepreneur and environmentalist Mrs Momi Pegu. |
8th March |
120 |
71 |
2022 |
NSS Unit of North Lakhimpur College and Department of Zoology in collaboration with Assam Cancer Care Foundation organised an awareness cum sensitization Programme on "Use of Tobacco and its Relation with Cancer" on 9th March 2022. |
9th March |
200 |
72 |
2022 |
IIC-North Lakhimpur College in Collaboration with Technology Enabling centre, Tezpur University and IQAC, North Lakhimpur College organised workshop on Innovation Ecosystem in Academic Institutions. The workshop was aimed to sensitize the students in and around Lakhimpur about prospects of technologies developed in academic institutions and their commercialisation opportunities. Innovators, Entrepreneurs and domain experts shared their views on the first day of workshop followed by an idea competition organised on the 2nd day of the workshop in which 40 students under 8 different groups presented their innovative ideas of varied fields. Altogether 100 students did their registrations for the programme. Arunjyoti Borgohain, Director/Co-founder of Yantrabot Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Guwahati, Pradip Saikia, retd, chief Scientist, South Africa, Gobin Saikia, Agricultural Entrepreneur and Dr. Utpal Bora, associate Professor of Tezpur Central University shared their views on the topic. |
11th and 12th March |
100 |
73 |
2022 |
International Pi Day was observed under the aegis of the Department of Mathematics, North Lakhimpur College. Resource person: Dr. Biman Ch Chetia, Principal, North Lakhimpur College (autonomous) |
14th March |
65 |
74 |
2022 |
4th North Lakhimpur Book Fair was organised in the premises of North Lakhimpur College (autonomous) from 21st to 28th March 2022. 10 state level publications participated in the book fair. In the sidelines of book fair many discussions, workshops and study circles were organised among which Kabi Sanmilan, Quiz programmes, Kitap aru Alap, book inauguration, exhibition of cinema are to be mentioned. This time under the aegis of the NL College Students' Union an exhibition cum sale programme was organised in which local made products were being exhibited and was open for sale only for college students. |
21st to 28th March |
900 |
75 |
2022 |
An invited talk on stress management was organised by the stress management committee in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy, North Lakhimpur College in which Ms. Rosy Doley Pegu participated as the resource person. |
26th March |
65 |
76 |
2022 |
Department of Assamese and Department of Mass Communication, North Lakhimpur College in Collaboration with the SCoPE, Tezpur University and All Assam Science Writers’ Association, organised a workshop on "Science Communication". Topic of the workshop being "Science-Technology Communication and their popularity in the Assamese Language". |
6th April |
72 |
77 |
2022 |
Department of Assamese organised an interaction programe with Dr. Dhrubajyoti Bora, VC, Shrimanta Shankardev University of Health Sciences and Sahitya Academy award winner for his writing "Katha Ratnakar". |
8th April |
88 |
78 |
2022 |
A national seminar on "Life and works of Padmanath Gohain Boruah, Hemchandra Goswami and Panindranath Gogoi "was organised by the Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College in collaboration with Assam Sahitya Sabha and Saint Paul Cathedral Mission. Altogether 70 number of research papers were being presented by variuos researchers. |
11th and 12th April |
350 |
79 |
2022 |
Invited Talk: on ‘Research Methodology in Humanities’ was organized by the Department of Assamese. Dr. Mukunda Rajbongshi |
29th April |
40 |
80 |
2022 |
Department of Hindi in collaboration with Career Counselling Cell, North Lakhimpur College organised a popular talk on "Career Prospects in Hindi". Resource person: Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Prasad, Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh. |
5th May 2022 |
55 |
81 |
2022 |
IQAC North Lakhimpur College organised a one-day orientation workshop for the office staffs of our institution as well as neighboring institutions on "Office and Accounts Management". Resource persons: Sri B.K. Patowari, Retd. Asstt. Director of Audit and Sri Bhargab Saikia, Operation Assistant, Public Financial Management System (PFMS), Assam. |
18th May |
26 |
82 |
2022 |
Stress Management Committee, FIT India and the Department of Physical Education have jointly organised a seven-day Yoga camp on the eve of International Yoga Day 2022 in collaboration with Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari, Lakhimpur Branch. The camp was aimed mainly for the students of post graduate classes, M.Phil and Ph.D. programmes . |
24th May to 30th May |
25 |
83 |
2022 |
Workshop on: ‘Research Paper Writing’ was organised by the Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College on 7-8-2022. Dr. Sk. Makbul Islam, HoD & Associate Professor, Dept. of Bengali, St. Paul’s Cathedral Mission College, Kolkata participated as the resource person. Total no of student and teacher participants were 120 |
7th August |
120 |
84 |
2022 |
A national seminar on ‘Evolution of Assamese Prose Writing Technique’ was organised by the Department of Assamese in collaboration with |
7th August |
300 |
85 |
2022 |
Sahitya Academy in collaboration with Dept of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous) organised a one-day symposium on "Evolution of Assamese Prose Writing Technique". President of Sahitya Academy Mihir Kr Sahoo, and Eminent scholars of Assamese Literature Basanta Kumar Goswami and Karabi Deka Hazarika attended and addressed the symposium. |
8th August |
300 |
86 |
2022 |
Invited Talk on: ‘My Life My Novel’ was organised by the Department of Assamese. Yeshe Dorje Thongshi, Sahitya Academy Awardee Novelist & Retired IAS Officer participated as the resource person. |
1st September |
90 |
87 |
2022 |
6th Edition of La Landscape organised, a photography exhibition cum competition was organised by the students of the Mass Communication. Photographs from different states of the country along with different parts of the State of Assam participated in the national level exhibition cum photography competition. |
23rd September |
80 |
88 |
2022 |
One Day National Workshop on Research Paper Writing was organized by the Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College in collaboration with St Paul's Cathedral Mission College, Kolkata on 22/10/2022. Resource Person: Dr. Sk. Makbul Islam, Associate Prof, Department of Bengali, St. Paul's Cathedral Mission College. |
22nd October |
275 |
89 |
2022 |
Department of Physics, North Lakhimpur College begins Physics Lecture Series-II with the lecture on " NOBLE PRIZE IN PHYSICS IN 2022". The lecture was delivered by Dr. Abinash Das, Assistant professor in Physics, North Lakhimpur College. |
29th October |
65 |
90 |
2022 |
One day Cyber security awareness workshop was organised by the Department of Higher Education in collaboration with the Department of Computer Science and IQAC, North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous). Mr. Biju Pegu, Managing Director and CEO, GRATIA TECHNOLOGY, participated as the resource person in the workshop. |
31st October 2022 |
150 |
91 |
2022 |
Department of Education organised a popular talk on " Inter State Migrant Workers" as a part of the foundation course on "Human Rights and Duties." The talk was delivered by Dr. Bhabajit Doley, District Labour Officer cum Employees Compensation Commissioner, Dhemaji District. |
5th November |
60 |
92 |
2022 |
Department of Assamese in collaboration with the students' Union, North Lakhimpur College organised an interaction programme with the Nobelist Rita Chowdhury. The interaction programme was entitled as " My Journey as Nobelist". |
7th November |
65 |
93 |
2022 |
Invited Talk on: ‘Contribution of Panindranath Gogoi towards Assamese Literature’ was organised by the Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College. Dr. Hemanta Kr. Boruah, Principal (Retd.), Lakhimpur Commerce College, Lakhimpur & Ex-President, Governing body, North Lakhimpur College participated as the resource person. |
7th November |
30 |
94 |
2022 |
National Education Day was observed by the Department of Education, North Lakhimpur College to commemorate the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. The theme of day this year was " Changing Course, Transforming Education." Journalist cum writer Ranjit Kakati attended the occasion as guest of honour. |
11th November |
80 |
95 |
2022 |
Workshop on: ‘Pre-Printing Technology and Book Editing’ was organised by the Department of Assamese, North Lakhimpur College on 29/11/2022. Dr. Ashim Chutia, HoD, Dept. of Assamese, Sivsagar College participated as the resource person. |
29th November |
66 |
96 |
2023 | North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous) organised a RUSA 2.0 sponsored training programme for the faculties of North Lakhimpur College and neighbouring institutions on 'NAAC preparedness and NEP 2020' in collaboration with HRDC, Gauhati University. | 3rd March | 30 |
97 | 2023 | One Day Teachers' Orientation Workshop was organised by the IQAC in collaboration with the Department of Education, North Lakhimpur College on 15th March 2023 on ' Attainment of PO, PSO and CO' (Bloom's Taxonomy). Dr. C. Siva Sankar, associate Professor, Department of Education, Rajiv Gandhi University, conducted the session as the resource person. | 15th March | 80 |
98 | 2023 | Virtual power seminar on Intellectual property rights was conducted by the Research Council, North Lakhimpur College in collaboration with the ICT Academy on 27th March 2023. L.K. Pandey, Chairperson, Indian Industries Association and Ms. Tanu Singh, Intellect Vidhya Solutions delivered their speeches in the virtual sessions. | 27th March | 60 |
99 | 2023 | One Day outreach programme cum workshop on ' Adaption of vocational course on Electronics and Hardware in context of NEP 2020' organised by the Department of Electronics, North Lakhimpur College on 5th April 2023. Dr. Kumaresh Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication, Gauhati University. | 5th April | 31 |
100 | 2023 | IQAC, North Lakhimpur College and ICT Academy in collaboration with the Stress Management Committee organised a faculty development programme on 'Stress Management' during 25th April 2023 and 27th April 2023. | 25th April | 33 |
101 | 2023 | The Research Council & IQAC of North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous) Organised a two days’ workshop on 'WRITING AND PUBLISHING A RESEARCH PAPER' on 21st and 22nd September 2023. The first day of the workshop was graced by three resource persons who presented the technical talks. The first technical talk was 'How to write a research paper' by Dr. Mahan Borah, Assistant Professor at Assam University, followed by 'How to use template & editing software in Research' by Dr. Manoranjan Dutta, Assistant Professor at North Lakhimpur College and the third technical talk was by Dr. Tarun Gogoi, Assistant professor at Sankardev College on 'How to edit and write references'. On day two, two technical talks on 'How to manage Resources and References' and 'Ethical concerns in Research Paper Writing and Publication' were delivered by Dr. Birendra Pal, Librarian, Kaliabar College. Another resource person, Dr. Budhadev Basumatary from North Lakhimpur College delivered a talk on "How and where to publish'. | 21st and 22nd September | 105 |
102 | 2023 | A national 'Symposium of Physics: Advances in Research and Knowledge (SPARK) was organised by the Department of Physics, North Lakhimpur College on 14th October 2023. The conference was consisted of invited keynote speeches as well as parallel sessions. Prof. Ngangkham Nimai Singh, Professor, Dept. of Physics, Manipur University, Dr. Subhaditya Bhattacharya, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, IIT Guwahati, Prof. Mrinal Kumar Das Professor, Dept. of Physics, Tezpur University, Prof. Ayon Bhattacharjee, Professor, Dept. of Physics, NIT, Meghalaya, Dr. Kumaresh Sarmah, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Technology, Gauhati University; Prof. Umananda Dev Goswami, Professor, Dept. of Physics, Dibrugarh University were the keynote speakers of the symposium. | 14th October | 55 |