Committees and Cells

North Lakhimpur College (Autonomous) believes in the policy of decentralization and participation of all
stakeholders in the process of decision making and policy framing. Therefore, there exist many
committees/ cells/ boards/ councils for ensuring that the spirit of decentralization is sustained:

  1. Governing Body
  2. Internal Quality Assurance Cell
  3. Academic Council
  4. Research Committee
  5. Intellectual Property Rights Committee
  6. Library Committee
  7. Website Maintenance Committee
  8. Placement and Career Counselling Cell
  9. Students' Grievance Redressal Cell
  10. Sports Infrastructure Maintenance Committee
  11. Stress Management Committee
  12. Committee for Mentoring of School
  13. Internal complaint committee
  14. Anti Ragging Committee
  15. IKS Cell
  16. Advisory Board for Skill Hub Initiative
  17. Committee for the Development of MOOCs
  18. Radio Collaboration Task Group
  19. Yuva Tourism Club 
  20. Boards of Studies of the various teaching departments
  21. North Lakhimpur College Teachers’ Unit
  22. North Lakhimpur College Students’ Union
  23. Hostel Management Committee
  24. North Lakhimpur College Publication Committee
  25. Construction Committee
  26. Purchase Committee
  27. Finance Committee
  28. Health Committee
  29. Disciplinary Action Committee
  30. Committee dealing with sexual harassment against women
  31. Women’s Cell
  32. Admission Committee
  33. Students’ Union Election Committee
  34. Canteen Committee
  35. Scheduled Tribes Committee
  36. Scheduled Castes Committee
  37. Other Backward Classes Cell
  38. Minority Committee