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At the very outset I welcome you all to the first autonomous college of Assam.
The zest of life rests on some ambition. A man, with a lofty aspiration to pursue, works in right earnest, finds joy in his effort and struggle and becomes successful eventually. All the great people who are born in the earth have been stern followers of their respective ideals in order to pursue and attain their sublime goals. The sublimity of the life depends on the sublimity of its aspiration. If our aspiration is higher, the quality of our life will be better; but, again it depends upon the nature of intention beneath the aspiration. Truly, it is the sublimity of aspiration coupled with intention of populace welfare that makes life genuinely successful. It has been the objective of North Lakhimpur College to inculcate a deep sense of populace welfare among the students in the pursuits of their ambition. This college, passing through its 63rd year of dedicated service to the society and being accredited with thousands of its successful alumni, is revered for its proud contribution in different walks of life. With equal pride and renewed vigour, it prepares to receive you in the next academic session 2015-16. I heartily welcome all of you. I would specially like to thank those coming to the college for their post graduation. I am hopeful that we shall be able to do justice to your expectations on us.
Everything is achieved through hard work when it is done with perseverance. Therefore, I ask all of you to be persistent in your hard toils in the pursuit of your ambition so that you can enhance the luster and glory of this college. Here, I take the opportunity to congratulate the present students on their success in different fields and convey my heartfelt thanks to the faculty members and the office staff for their unflinching and dedicated service to the college. It would be improper on my part if I do not acknowledge the efforts of each and every member of the college family and the stakeholders and well wishers without whom the coveted ‘A’ grade awarded by NAAC, Bangalore would have remained a distant dream. However, there is still a lot more to achieve and I am hopeful that in the new session our college will climb great heights of glory.
Dr. Biman Ch. Chetia
North Lakhimpur, College